Kisii District

Kisii District is a district in the Nyanza Province in southwestern Kenya. Its capital town is Kisii. The district is inhabited mostly by the Gusii people.


Local authorities (councils)
Authority Type Population* Urban pop.*
Kisii Municipality 183,000 83,000
Keroka Town 44,861 3,720
Masimba Township 40,218 1,666
Suneka Township 43,908 4,217
Gusii County 303,551 0
* 1999 and current 2009 census. Source: [1]
Administrative divisions
Division Population* Urban pop.* Headquarters
Keumbu 109,837 8,843 Keumbu
Kisii Town 183,000 83,000 Kisii
Marani 89,215 0 Marani
Masaba 105,926 908 Masimba
Mosocho 63,247 0 Nyakoe
Suneka 86,030 3,723 Suneka
* 1999 and current 2009 census. Sources: [2], [3],

The County has 4 (four) electoral Constituencies:

See also

External links